How Do I Find Available Cooper Farms Jobs in Mercer County?

How Do I Find Available Cooper Farms Jobs in Mercer County?

At Cooper Farms, we’ve always made it a point of pride to become more than just another workplace. We know that our own business wouldn’t be where it is today without the passion, the spirit, and enthusiasm of a hardworking team of men and women behind it. That’s why we always make it a priority to find the best people for the best jobs – both to further our own mission and to help enrich the lives of team members whenever possible.

It’s also why we make joining our team as easy as possible – you can do so right from our website. You can scroll through a list of positions that are available at any given time like production jobs in Mercer County and more. You can also view our hourly benefits guide and even apply for a job – right from your web browser. The site is always updated whenever we’re hiring in Mercer County, so be sure to check back often, so you don’t miss new positions.

What Are Some of the Wellness-Related Benefits That Cooper Farms Offers to Employees?

The leadership at Cooper Farms understands that the health of our employees is always of paramount importance – which is why, in addition to a lot of the common benefits that one might expect, we also offer a variety of perks that are focused on your own health and wellbeing.

One of those is our Wellness Reimbursement Program. All team members have the option to take fitness classes, for example, or to join a gym as they see fit. Once they do, Cooper Farms will reimburse them up to $300 per year for their memberships, fitness classes, or even any weight loss programs they participate in.

There’s also the Cooper Farms 5K Club, which allows team members to compete in 5K races throughout the year. Once your race is finished you’ll receive a t-shirt, a water bottle, and $75. Race entry fees can also be reimbursed through our wellness reimbursement program as mentioned above.

There are benefits available in a variety of other categories, too. At Cooper Farms we offer benefits like medical insurance, paid time off, retirement benefits like 401(k)/Roth 401(k) enrollment, and more.

What is the Profit Sharing Like at Cooper Farms?

Again, at Cooper Farms we’ve always believed that one of the major contributing factors that has allowed us to get to where we are today has been our employees. Based on that, we want you to share in our success and profit sharing is how we do it.

Our monthly profit sharing program, for example, is based on all team members’ worked wages from the previous month. Every 30 days, we’ll communicate with you directly and let you know how we’re doing. Our profit sharing compensation is then based on those transparent figures.

We also have the B.E.S.T. Idea Program that has become quite popular over the last few years. If you have an idea that helps save the company money, you’ll receive 10% of the year’s savings. Truly, it’s that simple! Safety ideas get paid out in $20 increments. If you have a great idea, never keep it to yourself and be afraid to share it with others.

Cooper Farms also appreciates loyalty a great deal, which is why we regularly offer seniority bonuses to employees as well. This allows us to show appreciation to our especially dedicated team members who have remained with us through both the good times and the bad. When you work with Cooper Farms for between three and nine years, you’ll get a $250 bonus every year. Once you hit that coveted 10-year mark, that bonus increases to $500 per year.

What Are Some of the Other Ways That Cooper Farms Shows Appreciation For Employees?

While we’re sure you’d agree that a traditional benefits program is a nice part of becoming a member of the Cooper Farms team, that’s also not the only way that we want to show our appreciation. Our goal is to capitalize on every opportunity we have to show you how much we care and what a meaningful addition you’ve made to our entire company environment.

One of the ways in which we do that involves regular company events. Each division within Cooper Farms will hold special events throughout the year like summer picnics, appreciation meals, golf outings, bowling sessions, and more. Holiday parties are also commonplace.

Speaking of the summer, Cooper Farms also offers summer event tickets that you won’t want to miss. Team members can get their pick of various summer attractions like raceways, sporting events, theme parks, and other points of interest. You’re eligible to receive these tickets after just 90 days of work.

Cooper Farms also has a generous prescription safety eyewear program that you’ll definitely want to take advantage of. You can get prescription safety glasses after just 90 days of employment. Details vary by location, so make sure to ask your team leaders for more information.

We also offer GED/CDL assistance because we understand how important education is to your ongoing success both personally and professionally. Cooper Farms wants to help all of our team members excel and grow, which is why we are proud to offer assistance if you are attempting to earn your GED or CDL. If you’re interested in more information, contact the HR department.

What is the Internship Program Like at Cooper Farms?

Cooper Farms also believes that young people truly are the next generation in more ways than one. Not only do they represent the next step in our own success, but they’re also made up of the next generation of leaders in our industry as well. Therefore, any investment in the younger generation is an investment in all of us – which is precisely what our internship program is all about.

Over the years, Cooper Farms has put together a number of opportunities for students to get access to the type of real-world experience they need to excel in both their field of study and their eventual careers. During their internship they will get a chance to learn on-the-job via training in a specific career. They’ll take on more and more responsibilities as the program goes on. Not only that, but they may even have special projects assigned to them on a regular basis – allowing them to take charge and to truly show the world what they can do.

As their internship program winds down, they’ll give a presentation about the entire experience to our management team. This will give them a chance to ask any additional questions and to get more insight that they can take with them for the rest of their professional careers. Typically, our Cooper Farms internship programs run from May to August every year. However, we’re also more than open to the idea of having students join us in a part-time capacity while school is still in session.

Programs are available in just about every field that you can think of, from accounting to communications to farm operations, information technology, food processing operations, food safety, quality assurance, and more. Also included are human resources, research and development, and engineering, to name a few.

To find out more about available internship program opportunities, feel free to visit our website here.